Senin, 13 April 2015

Pengalaman (Kanaidi, SE., M.Si : sebagai Fasilitator) Pelatihan “ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION & HANDLING DIFFICULT PEOPLE”


bagi para Karyawan PT. Pertamina (PHE WMO, PHE Metana Suban TAC Pertamina EP Goldwater TMT) Jakarta
(bersama IPDC Consulting - di Hotel HardRock-Kute Bali, 17-19 September 2014)

Deskripsi Pelatihan :

How many times have you wanted to express yourself more clearly but felt you couldn’t? Assertive communication is about expressing your feelings, thoughts, and wants in a way  that allows you to stand up for your rights without infringing on the rights of other people. These skills are not something we are born with. Like any other social behavior, assertive communication skills have to be learned and practiced. In this advanced assertive communication skills training course, you will gain practical ideas and leading edge techniques to give you positive flexible ways of enhancing your difficult/challenging communications and relationships, assertively.

Another practical focus of this course is on dealing with difficult people. After completion of the program you will be able to communicate calmly and professionally, even in stressful and emotionally charged situations, and to stand up and respectfully speak up and be heard in all situations, with anyone (including with the difficult ones), anywhere, anytime.

Materi Pelatihan :
1.    Introduction to assertiveness
·         How we communicate
·         Defining assertive behavior
·         Assertive and non assertive behavior
2.    Self awareness
·         Self esteem
·         Submission, aggressive, and assertive behavior
·         Behavioral styles
·         Self perception
·         How others see us
3.    Delegation
·         How to delegate effectively
·         Why we do not delegate enough
·         Mistakes in delegation
4.    Techniques to use
·         Basic steps to assertiveness
·         Assertive statements
·         Setting goals
·         Giving feedback
·         Self disclosure
·         Saying “no”
5.    Barriers to assertiveness
·         Controlling fear
·         Coping with criticism
6.    Building confidence
·         Setting goals
·         Identifying personal effectiveness
·         Tecniques for staying calm
7.    Assertive communication
·         Communication skills
·         Vocal and verbal
·         Non-verbal communication
8.    Handling conflict
·         Conflict causes
·         Understanding difference
·         Positive conflict
·         Handling conflict
·         Hurting and helping responses to conflict
·         Conflict flow
9.    Negotiating
·         Successful negotiating
·         Negotiating tactics
·         Characteristics of effective negotiators
·         Approaches to negotiating
·         Avoiding win-lose mindset
·         Making concessions
·         Closing a negotiation

Output Pelatihan
·        Gain a greater understanding of the true nature and value of assertive behaviour and communication.
·        Find out how you undermine your own assertiveness, even if you are not aware of doing so.
·        Learn how to communicate assertively, without creating unnecessary conflict in your working and personal relationships.
·         Acquire seven specific assertiveness skills that help you deal with criticism and obtain honest and valuable information that you can use to enhance your relationships with others.

Pelaksanaan Pelatihan:

Pelatihan berlangsung selama 3 hari (17-19 September 2014)
Pemateri        : Kanaidi, SE., M.Si., cSAP
Penyampaian  materi oleh Narasumber/ Pemateri dipandang oleh peserta sangat bagus dan berkesan, yaitu :
-          disampaikan secara runtut dan sistematis,
-          disampaikan dengan bahasa sehari-hari yang terasa sangat mudah untuk dipahami peserta,
-          dilengkapi juga dengan contoh-contoh kejadian nyata sehari-hari, serta diulas juga dengan tip-tip solusi pemecahannya.
-          terlebih lagi di sela-sela penyampaian materi juga diselingi dengan jok-jok (humor-humor) segar, sehingga membuat peserta tertarik secara antusias untuk mengikuti sesi demi sesi kegiatan pelatihan

INFORMASI Lengkap/ hubungi :

HP. 0812 2353 284 – 0878 2298 4716  Telp/Fax : 022-4267749
Pin BB : 27CBC148
Facebook : kanaidi.kenpartii