Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Durasi 3 hari :
Supply Chain Management
(SCM) adalah aktivitas terintegrasi “end to end process” korporasi; mulai dari
tahap perencanaan, pengadaan, penyimpanan raw material, produksi, warehousing,
distribusi finished goods ke end customer atau end user, hingga evaluasi
keseluruhan proses, untuk meningkatkan efektivitas, efisiensi, services level,
& kinerja.
SCM yang terintegrasi akan meningkatkan keseluruhan nilai yang dihasilkan oleh
aktivitas tersebut. Kondisi tersebut membuat team & individu yang
terlibat dalam proses SCM perusahaan harus memiliki kompetensi, integritas,
professional, & melakukan improvement dari waktu ke waktu.
pengelolaan rantai pasok (supply chain management/SCM) menjadi isu
strategis dalam pembangunan dan ketahanan nasional. Misalnya saja, fluktuasi
harga pangan pokok terjadi karena ketidakmampuan dalam pengelolaan rantai pasok
dari kebun sampai ke konsumen (from farm to table). Permasalahan
pengelolaan rantai pasok tersebut juga berdampak terhadap biaya logistik produk
yang tinggi dan terhadap keamanan pangan.
mampu mengelola rantai pasok produk tersebut, para pelaku bisnis dan pihak
terkait harus memahami faktor strategis dalam pengelolaan rantai pasok produk.
Faktor-faktor strategis itu di antaranya adalah tren rantai pasok produk saat
ini dan ke depan serta keunikan pengelolaan rantai pasok produk. Bagaimana
mengelola rantai pasok yang melibatkan pelaku usaha? Bagaimana mencocokkan
antara pasokan dan permintaan? Bagaimana mempertahankan kualitas produk sampai
ke konsumen dengan biaya rendah? Bagaimana menjamin produk pertanian tersebut
aman pangan?. Kesemua hal ini akan dibahas dalam pelatihan Supply Chain
Management ini.
Sasaran Peserta
Para Manajer, Supervisor dan Staf Administrasi serta personil lainnya dalam
perusahaan yang sedang
dan akan berkecimpung dalam pengelolaan rantai pasok dan bisnis logistik.
Materi Training
Hari Pertama
1) Introductory
Introduce and define
Logistics and Supply Chain Management in terms of its contribution and
activities it involves.
Demonstrate the
relationship between Marketing and Logistics Management.
Introduce the
logistics process: users, providers and activities.
2) Logistics’
Role in the Economy and the Organization
Introduce the
development of Logistics over time and the events that helped shape this area.
Illustrate the
components of Logistics management in terms of inputs, outputs and activities.
Illustrate trade-offs
among the various activities within Logistics Management
3) Supply Chain Management
Demonstrate the role
of logistics in supply chain management
Describe the factors
that influence supply chain network structure, business processes, and SCM components
Illustrate how to
implement logistics cost trade-offs within a supply chain
4) Customer Service
Introduce customer
service and show the difference between customer service and customer
Describe the elements
of customer service & demonstrate how to establish a customer service
Introduce key
performance measures used for customer service
Hari Kedua
5) Order Processing and Information Systems
To show how the order
processing system can influence performance in the logistics function
Demonstrate how the
order processing system can form the basis of a logistics information system at
the strategic and tactical levels
To show how advanced
6) Financial Impact of Inventory
Introduce basic
inventory management concepts and show how they are applied.
Illustrate how safety
stock levels are calculated.
Show how production
policies influence inventory levels.
Demonstrate how
inventories & cost and service levels are inter-related.
7) Inventory Management
Demonstrate how
inventory investment influences profit performance.
Demonstrate how
inventory management contributes to least total logistics costs.
relationship between inventory turns and inventory carrying costs.
8) Transportation
Introduce factors
that influence transport costs.
Introduce transport
service characteristics, carrier options, and third parties.
Hari Ketiga
9) Warehousing
Identify the uses and
types of warehousing available.
Introduce the
functions of warehousing and public/private warehousing operations.
10) Materials
Handling, Computerization and Packaging
To describe various
types of non-automated and automated materials handling systems
To examine the role
of warehousing in a just-in-time (JIT) environment
To overview the role
of packaging in warehousing and logistics
11) Procurement
To show how better
management of purchasing activities can lead to increased profitability
To introduce the
activities that must be performed by the purchasing function
To introduce the
concept of strategic sourcing Conclusions.
terminologi dari supply chain, logistics, and supply
chain components management.
lingkup dan fungsi dari bisnis logistik, transportasi and komponen
serta prinsipnya.
kontribusi potensial dari bisnis logistik terhadap formasi
strategi bisnis.
konsep dari integrated
supply chain management.
mengembangkan pengetahuan atas driving forces of supply
menjelaskan solusi realistis dan komprehensif dari situasi management
terminolagi Logistics dan transportation dalam mengembangkan teknologi
baru di bidang logistik.
Rp. 4,250,000 /peserta yang meliputi training kit (makalah, tas,
alat tulis), snack, lunch serta sertifikat.
PT. Kreasi Tata Nilai (KTN Consulting)
HP. 08122353284 – 087822984716
Telp/Fax : 022-4267749
Pin BB : 27CBC148
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